
Monday 23 June 2014

Neon flowers

Danes sem si po zelo dolgem času vzela čas, da nadoknadim vse pijače z vsemi, ki sem jih zadnji mesec malo zapostavljala.
Učila sem se cele dneve in res ni bilo nič časa. Res že potrebujem malo ženske pogovore in malo zabave s prijatelji.
Evo pa sem se uspela potruditi tudi z kvaliteto slik! Sem prosila prijatelja fotografa, če bi želel slikati za moj blog. Tako, da dokler sem še v Sloveniji bo on moj fotograf! Skušam vsak dan izboljšati blog in ga narditi kar se le da zanimivega in boljšega za vas!! Upam, da ste tudi vi danes v živih barvah, da odženemo to grdo vreme, ki prihaja.. 

Today I took time for all my friends I have neglected. I learned all day and really was no time for drinks with my girls and few boys. I really need girl talk and having fun with them.
Behold, I managed to make an effort with the quality of the pictures! I asked my friend photographer if he would be so kind and will make pictures for my blog. So that while I'm still in Slovenia he will be my photographer! I try every day to improve my blog and make it interesting and better for you! I hope that you also wear vivid colors that dispels this nasty weather coming ..


skirt - Zara / top - Topshop / shoes - Gaudi / handbag - Michael Kors



  1. Pretty look! The orange top goes so well with the blue bag, love that color mix!

    1. Thank you for this comment, really means a lot to me!! Yes I love to combine different colors and patterns. We always have to try something new :))**
