have to tell you how impressed I am about the hats. Im not a fan of bad
weather, but bad weather is actually a good reason to put on a hat.
This is the one and only reason why I like bad weather sometimes. This red hat is my first hat i ever bought. I just love it and have many great memories with it. I was thinking about this hat for a long time before i finally bought it. Somehow to me, this was the first big step in my path of fashion and a daring thing I decided to do. I was scared to be out of my confort zone but with this hat I finally decided to step out of it and wear what i always wanted to wear.
This is the one and only reason why I like bad weather sometimes. This red hat is my first hat i ever bought. I just love it and have many great memories with it. I was thinking about this hat for a long time before i finally bought it. Somehow to me, this was the first big step in my path of fashion and a daring thing I decided to do. I was scared to be out of my confort zone but with this hat I finally decided to step out of it and wear what i always wanted to wear.
Moram vam povedati kako navdušena sem nad klobuki. Nisem ravno oboževalec grdega vremena, ampak ravno grdo vreme je povod, da si nadenem klobuk. Ta rdeč klobuk je moj prvi klobuk, ki sem ga kupila! Zelo sem navezana nanj in imam res lepe spomine. Tako dolgo sem ga opazovala in se odločala, če naredim prvi korak in končno kupim klobuk. Nekako je zame to prvi korak v modni smeri in prva bolj drzna stvar, ki sem jo naredila. Nisem si upala iz moje cone udobja. Z tem klobukom sem prvič res zadihala in si drznila obleči kar sem si vedno želela.
jeans, top, jacket - Zara / hat - Sinequanone
Uau, čisto po mojem okusu. Rdeča res super popestri vse skupaj!
Hvala. Ja mal barve je vedno dobrodoslo! :)