Tuesday, 7 October 2014

Cango&Rinaldi giveaway

It is time for my giveaway! CANGO&RINALDI giveaway!!! It is worth 160€!! This is a brand I adore! Everything is made out of genuine leather and real Swarovski crystals. Pieces are just so unique and beautiful. I am sure that you will find so many pieces that you would like to add to your looks. I have their red statement bracelet that you can see almost in every single post. I love it because it is simply amazing, unique, sophisticated, elegant and always make outfit more desirable.
All you have to do is:
1. On this link find keyring you like the most and past link to the comment field! 
And that's it!

From all the comments we will choose one lucky winner that will receive Cango & Rinaldi key ring (worth min.59€). Winner will get the key ring he/she linked to the comments field. On top of that we will give one gift card worth 50 and two gift card worth 25 to spend it on CangoRinaldi.fi online store. 
Giveaway ends on friday the end of the day. I will announce the winner on saturday!!
Good luck to all of you!! 
Here are some photos of few keyrings and other must have jewelery from their official side.

Čas je za novo nagradno igro!! Skupna vrednost nagradne igre je 160€! To je znamka, ki jo obožujem. Vse je narejeno iz pravega usnja in pravih Swarovski kristalov. Vsi kosi so unikatni in prefinjeni. Prepričana sem da boste našli kar nekaj kosov, ki bi jih dodali vašim outfitom. Jaz imam njihovo rdečo zapestnico, ki jo lahko opayite skoraj v vsaki objavi. Obožujem jo, ker je preprosto neverjetna, unikatna, sofisticirana, elegantna in vedno naredi outfit bolj zaželen. 

Vse kar morate narediti je:
1. Na tem linku najdete vse obeske in izberite tistega, ki vam je najbolj všeč ter prilepite link v komentar.
To je vse!!!

Od vseh prejetih komentarjev bomo izbrali enega zmagovalca, ki prejme obesek po njegovi izbiri (vreden najmajn 59€). Zraven tega pa še bomo podarili še en bon v višini 50€ in dva bona v višini 20€, ki ga lahko zapravite na njihovi CangoRinaldi.fi spletni strani. 
Nagradna igra se konča v petek konec dneva. Zmagovalca bom razglasila v soboto!! 
Vso srečo!!
Tukaj še je nekaj slik obeskov in ostalih izdelkov, ki so jih lahko najdete na njihovi uradni strani. 



  1. Uau, super giveaway!


    Tale mi je najbolj všeč! :)

  2. Sodelujem.... http://www.cangorinaldi.fi/epages/cangorinaldi.mobile/en_GB/?ObjectPath=/Shops/2014022703/Products/437GSHA

  3. http://www.cangorinaldi.fi/epages/cangorinaldi.sf/en_GB/?ObjectPath=/Shops/2014022703/Products/437223

    terveys1 (at) wippies.fi

  4. Super nagradna igra! ❤ Všečkala & delila! ❤

    Tale obesek si želim:

    ➡ http://www.cangorinaldi.fi/epages/cangorinaldi.sf/en_GB/?ObjectPath=/Shops/2014022703/Products/042002GSHA

  5. Sodelujem. :) http://www.cangorinaldi.fi/epages/cangorinaldi.sf/en_GB/?ObjectPath=/Shops/2014022703/Products/437GSHA

  6. <3


  7. Zelo lepi obeski in super nagradna igra!:)

  8. Love this:
