I wanted to wear this amazing skirt
again! So I tried to pull it of with my winter pieces. Added just some
pastels colors, because skirt itself has enought color. I feel very
casual, but chic in this outfit. As you can see, for me comfortable look
come always first. I try to make it look got with everything, because
fashion is not about pain and things that are horrible to wear, but you
have to wear them because they are fashionable. It is about how to look
good, have fun and make the best of every single piece of clothing. At
the same is important to feel good and comfortable.
sem spet obleči to čudovito krilo! Zato sem poskušala skombinirati to
krilo k zimskim kosom oblačil. Dodala sem samo pastelne barve, ker je že
samo krilo dovolj barvito. Počutim se tako udobno, pa vseeno chic v tem
outfitu. Kot lahko vidite pri meni vedno pride udobje pred vse druga.
Trudim se, da tudi udobne stvari izgledajo vredu, ker moda res ni
trpljenje, bolečina in stvari, ki jih neradi nosite, ampak jih nosite le
zato ker so modne. Moda je kako izgledati dobro, se imeti fajn in
narediti čim več iz enega kosa oblačil. Ob enem pa se počutiti dobro in
Have a beautiful day and be nice to each other!!
skirt - Zara / boots - Bata / sweater - Zara / handbag - Michael Kors / vest - Zara /
watch - Daniel Wellington
watch - Daniel Wellington
Dobra ideja! :)
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Hehehe.. Le daj! :))*