Saturday 12 July 2014

My summer wish list

Tukaj je nekaj mojih Wish list stvari za to poletje!!

Stvari lahko najdete na spletni strani. Nisem ravno fan čipke, ampak malo čipke res popestri vsak kos. Ta bela obleka, črne kratke hlače in rdeč kombinezon so mi res top s čipko!! Vsi ti izdelki so seveda znižani!! Nore cene! Naslednji must have je zame pikčasto krilo, ki je punčkaste oblike. Elegantne bele hlače, ki so malo širše v pasu pa sem izgubila in sem nujno iskala ene, ker so res top! Hlače res redko kupim v beli barvi, ampak ta model pa je res noro dober!! Kot lahko opazite sem fan bele barve! Nekako bi rekla, da bela je meni osebno tista IT barva, čeprav sem tudi, kar ljubitelj oranžne. Odvisno od počutja, ampak z belo se res nikoli ne moraš zmotiti! Nekateri to rečejo za črno, meni pa je bela v poletnih časih tista IT barva.

Here are a few things from my wish list of things for this summer! Clothes can be found at website. I'm not really a fan of lace, but a little lace really enriches each piece. This white dress, black shorts and a red suit look really top with lace! All this clothes are on SALE!!! Crazy prices! The following "must have" for me is skirt with dots, which is girly model. Elegant white pants that are a little wider in the waist, but I have lost my older ones and I desperately looking for a nother one, because they are really top! I really rarely buy pants in white, but this model is really amazing! As you can see I'm a fan of white color! Somehow I would say that white is my personal IT color, although I am also a fan of orange. Some people say that with black color you never go wrong, but that is white for me.



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